Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I agree that the world is getting flatter. I honestly think that it is much worse in kids a few years younger than us though. Kids in late elementary school and middle school. My sister is a prime example. She comes home from school and goes straight downstairs to the computer where she sits and chats with all her friends that she just left from school, on AIM and myspace. She gives our computer viruses and makes it slower because she leaves myspace up all the time. It really annoys me, so I'm glad I have a laptop, but nonetheless, it is a problem.

1 comment:

alicia said...

I am not sure about kids a few years younger than us but I think the same thing is occurring with us. I admit to being guilty of coming home from class and jumping on Facebook and AIM. My Facebook usage is more to keep up with friends and family from home. I think Myspace has more features that are helping flatten the world. The main feature I use on Myspace is to keep up with bands I like and discover new ones. A band can be in Australia and post a bulletin saying what they are up with. I think this shows a flattening of the world because it used to be that if a band would be across the world no one had any idea what they were up to. Now there are many more ways in which they can communicate to fans.